Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Eve, Matching PJ's and Dancing, Oh My!

Nathan and I got to host Christmas at our house this year! My whole family came and stayed with us for about a week. We had a fabulous time! We pretty much stayed at the house, we played games, put together two puzzles, ate good food, watched a bunch of movies, sat around the firepit, and played the wii! We did get to go on an extraordinary outing, but I will tell you more about it next time...

So, here we go! Mom and Dad got here late Monday night and we spent all day Tuesday and Wednesday shopping and wrapping. We finished the last duties around the house about 10 minutes before everyone arrived.

My Mom brought our stockings from her house so everyone would have a stocking for Santa. I love our stockings! As you can see they are not normal, they are all people that have a pouch somewhere on them. Nathan and I are the teddy bears!

We braved the weather and we all attended the Christmas Eve Service at our church, Broadway Baptist.

Then we came home and ate a yummy roast using all of our china and silverware.

AND then it was time for my favorite part...matching P.J.'s!!!!!

I can't even begin to explain what was happening here!

On Christmas morning, Santa brought us a new Wii Game called Just Dance! It was AMAZING!!! But you can see for yourself...


Rachel said... will be going to purchase "Just dance" VERY SOON! Ya'll looked so cute!!

Terri said...

Do you have to follow the dance steps or make up your own? I couldn't tell. But it was fun! Whose real dog was that?

Whitney said...

You have to mirror the dancer on the screen. You mean we weren't all doing it together? Jeff and Debbie brought their dog, Coco.