Saturday, October 18, 2008

It's all about the 254!

A couple of weeks ago, Nathan and I took our engagement photos! In case you didn't know, I love pictures!!! So...when the day got closer, I got really nervous. I made Nathan go to the mall with me about 6 times in one weekend! Poor guy...

We took our photos in downtown Grapevine, Texas. I was so excited to have Bludoor Studios, Mike and ReJana Krause take our pictures. They were the photographers at Claire and David's wedding. I love their work, and I am so excited to have them as our photographers! They also have a talent at calming me down, because believe it or not I get a little shy when it comes to things like this.

Midway through, Nathan and I did a costume change (in the middle of the street) and put on T-shirts for our Rock Band photo shoot! We ordered shirts from Congress Clothing in Waco, TX. The shirts said, "It's all about the 254." 254 is the area code for Waco. Nathan and I both went to Baylor and our wedding is going to be in Waco, so we thought these shirts were perfect!
Here are some more of our favorites!

If you want to see all of the pictures, please visit the site below and enter the gallery!


thankyoudarlin said...

I'm telling you, greatest pics ever.

Did I mention that when I was at Royal Lane the other day I made Harry watch the engagement video? I still watch it about once a week, just to feel all mushy again.

I'm either incredibly happy for you, or I need a life. Likely both.

Nicki W. said...

oh my gosh! these are great pics!! you two are so cute!!

Sarah Kate said...

Hey! You don't know me but I found your blog through Rachel Lackey. I went to middle and high school with her. I noticed you at least took your engagement photos in the DFW area. I just moved to Mansfield (southeast of Ft. Worth) this summer and am also engaged, getting married in January. Where do you live? I promise I'm not a can ask Rachel...or maybe not :)
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